Friday, July 18, 2008

Career Renew!

In mid-May, I proudly graduated from Buffalo State College with my new degree, a Masters of Science in Education (Adult Education)! I could not be happier! The ceremony was fantastic and beautifully organized, and the mantel (or hood) was placed over my head by two of my favorite professors. Actually, I loved all my professors, and was so pleased to meet many of them at the ceremonies. I also got to chat at length with many fellow learners. Some are on their way to doctorate programs, others are seeking to move ahead in their current jobs, and some like me are looking for a new job or getting started in a new career.

It was a 5-hour drive to the campus, so I attended alone with friends and family watching via streaming video. As a single mid-life learner, many of my accomplishments are experienced alone, though with helpers and well-wishers, and I have learned to find great joy in them. I have found the field of education to be one where I meet wonderful people and am propelled into a fascinating world of discovery ... great for those of us who are single.

Flush with a sense of accomplishment, now comes the time to "hit the pavement" and get that new job. Student loans are looming! But so well worth it, as now I have my portfolio of research, papers, projects, and new skills in education delivery under my arm.

I quickly learn that there are many jobs out there for those with Education degrees. Many have training and professional development components which I seek. Yet, I also learn that competition is stiff out there with many new graduates also job seeking. I wondered if I would encounter any bias concerning mid-life learners and job seekers, but so far, have experienced none. I am learning that, after all, there is a great need for education professionals to address pressing issues: accessibility and equal opportunity for all learners; integrating new technology in education; meeting rigorous evaluation and reporting standards; achieving student enrollment and instructor recruitment goals; and ongoing professional development for instructors and staff.

Happily I am off to another interview today. I cherish each of these opportunities to learn about educational organizations, their goals, and the great people working in them. Finding the right match for me, seems like a wonderful adventure right now!

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Student Resources Adult Learning
  • Lifelong Access Libraries
  • continuing education
  • New York Virtual Online Library
  • Distance Education
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Service Learning