Monday, May 5, 2008

It's Exam Time!

As learners in a higher education setting know, springtime is exam time! For my coursework, exams are less usual, and papers and projects tend to be the norm. I am completing my masters in adult education through Buffalo State College and the University at Albany. For my course requirements for this semester which commenced in January and will end in mid-May, I wrote 13 papers and participated in 7 team projects. I am completing four courses: Leadership in Organizations, Training Employees, Foundations of Adult Education, and Telecommunication Design and Production. All of these were terrific, well designed and lots of fun to take.

So what about the papers that are assigned? I find that my professors appreciate creativity and will be lenient with my writing style as long as I have successfully integrated content from my studies. I do however have to use correct APA (American Psychology Association) style for my references and citations. As I have progressed through my studies, I pride myself on becoming a better writer. This will certainly assist me in my professional work. Sometimes, becoming a better writer is just a matter of getting organized! A first step is collecting resources. An indispensable resource for writing, research and styles is the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

If you are planning a return to school in the autumn, here are some great ideas to help you get organized from Resource Room for older learners:

Enjoy exploring my blog for more ideas to help you succeed! Please share your own 'best practices' by responding with a comment or e-mail.

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Student Resources Adult Learning
  • Lifelong Access Libraries
  • continuing education
  • New York Virtual Online Library
  • Distance Education
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Service Learning