Friday, March 14, 2008

The Joy of Lifelong Learning

One definition for lifelong learning is: You're never too old to learn!

Welcome to my blog that invites you to join me in my journey as a midlife learner, and to discover how age is no barrier to learning ... ever! In fact, age is IN!

As a returning older adult student, I will share some of the highs and challenges of getting started (again!) as a student in higher education. Life is full of challenges, and learning is a great way to get connected to find and share new resources for achieving life goals.

This blog will take a look at what's out there for prospective older adult learners. I will post new ideas, experiences and information. I hope you will visit here often!
To help you get started, check out this helpful article which examines myths about returning adult students:
Here is an article about Baby Boomers returning to school:

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Student Resources Adult Learning
  • Lifelong Access Libraries
  • continuing education
  • New York Virtual Online Library
  • Distance Education
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Service Learning