Thursday, March 13, 2008

Am I Too Old to Learn?


Experts say that the brain stays in nearly tip top condition for learning well into our seventies. In may ways, we learn and retain information just like younger adults. As we age, we may find ourselves slowing down just a bit, but not enough to discourage active learning!

We're endowed with intelligence that is crystallized and fluid. Crystallized means we're good at recalling specific information we have been taught, for example, performing well on tests, or absorbing information from lectures and texts. Fluid intelligence has to do with more abstract learning and problem solving, for example, seeing the pattern in things or creating order out of chaos. Our fluid and crystallized intelligence change as we age, but in no defined pattern. You should never let anyone tell you that your intelligence has waned. You simply experience change.

So the answer is, we are never too old to learn.

To help keep your brain in good trim, check out this website with brain teasers:
Student Resources Adult Learning
  • Lifelong Access Libraries
  • continuing education
  • New York Virtual Online Library
  • Distance Education
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Service Learning